Thimble Factory, Northport, NY

From collection Paintings Collection

Thimble Factory, Northport, NY


Thimble Factory, Northport, NY
Watercolor, gouache, and lead pencil on beige paper depicting the view looking south down Woodbine/Bayview Avenue from the end of Main Street. Foreground on right shows two men loading wood boards onto two-horse cart, stacks of boards sit next to them along with rolls of wooden slats; one-horse cart with single driver loaded with barrels travels south down Woodbine/Bayview Avenue. In the center midground, a two-horse cart with a man and woman ride ahead in the same direction; to their right a two-mastred schooner is moored to the wharf with two men adjusting the rigging, sundry barrels and crates piled on the dock beside them; small outbuilding on far right with man carrying box on his shoulder; to the far left of the midground is a cluster of trees (also visible in the background of Lange's view of Lower Main Street) with a man driving past in a one-horse cart; the Thimble Factory of Sammis & Oakley sits beyond labeled "Thimble Factory" in black stencil, plumes of black smoke rising from its chimney and white smoke emerging from a pipe around the back; a man and a woman stand outside the front of the Factory near a dismounting station for those riding horses. Background behind the Thimble Factory shows a two-story house with treeline beyond, several building visible in the center background along with a steeple, background to the far right shows Northport Harbor with several sailboats and two houses in the distance on the far shore; horizonline is comprised of grassy hills beyond the harbor, sky is heavily pigmented with blue, grey, and white in some areas to portray cloud cover, paper left bare in center of the sky.
16.25 x 23.25 in. (unframed); 16 x 23 in. (framed)
Signed lower left corner, "Edward Lange. Artist. Elwood. Suffolk Co. N.Y. 1880"
Gift of Mr. Valdemar F. Jacobsen