From collection Paintings Collection
John Frederick Nevius Homestead
John Frederick Nevius Homestead
Watercolor, gouache, and India ink on beige paper; watermark visible, impressed perpendicularly on the far right edge "J.Whatman 1871". Foreground shows curving dirt road coming from the midground on the far left, two-horse cart with single driver hauling several unlabeled bags; road bordered by split rail fencing and spaced trees; pastureland to the right with a group of cows laying near a single row of spaced trees, cluster of fowl in the center of the foreground. Midground depicts the homestead, one-and-a-half story main house with extension to the side bordered by white picket fence; ten outbuildings positioned behind and to the right of the house include a privy, well house, smokehouse, and sheds as well as a main barn and barnyard on the far right; property has scattered trees standing alone. Background transitions to grassy ground cover and brushily painted treeline beyond; sky is lighted painted with scant clouds, would have likely been white and very faint blue before the paper oxidized. Frame and softwood backing are original to the artwork.
10.5 x 18 in. (unframed); 13.375 x 20.875 in. (framed)
Signed lower right corner, "1873. Edwrd Lange."
Gift of Dr. Robert A. Cerwin