Amelia Lewis Brush Homestead

From collection Paintings Collection

Amelia Lewis Brush Homestead


Amelia Lewis Brush Homestead
Watercolor on beige paper depicting the Brush residence. Foreground consists of a white picket fence running parallel to the bottom edge, fencing in a large grassy yard; two children on right side, one skipping rope; man and woman on left side facing the harbor; coniferous saplings scattered throughout yard; white dog laying in center. Midground focuses on two-and-a-half story house to the right, painted with yellow, blue,red, and brown pigment, built in Second Empire style with mansard roof and attached bay, broad veranda and terrace looks down the hill towards the harbor; one man leans on the railing of the veranda looking out; midground to left shows a sharp drop-off down the hill towards the harbor below with several boats shown. Background to right behind house is wooded, background to left continues along the water, the opposite shore visible, and fades to the horizon line; sky is lightly painted with several white clouds in the upper left, would have likely been easily seen in a light blue before paper oxidized. Pencil inscription on verso under lining, semi-legible first lines, illegible bottom lines "____ ____ Brush Northport, LI(?)…"
14.25 x 20.25 in. (unframed); 21.75 x 27.875 in. (framed)
Signed lower right corner, "N--2 1874 Edwrd Lange."
Gift of Dr. Robert A. Cerwin