Lower Main Street, Northport

From collection Paintings Collection

Lower Main Street, Northport


Lower Main Street, Northport
Watercolor, gouache, and lead pencil on beige paper; the view is to the southwest, facing the south side of Main Street and looking west down Main Street towards Northport Harbor. Foreground includes man and woman with parasol riding in two-horse carriage down the street, past a tree in a planter with lantern attached; man in top hat with cane and woman with parasol walking along boarded sidewalk on the right side of the street, past an unnamed storefront with sign reading 'Boots & Shoes Hats & Caps.", covered carriage standing out front and partially obscured by outbuilding extension; one-horse carriage with driver trotting opposite direction down the street. Midground displays store fronts with signs on the south side of main street; (from left to right) "Sammis & Oakley" jewelry and stationary shop, "John W. Dickerson" storefront "Flour, Feed, Grain", "Mrs. S.M. Smith" "Fancy Goods." "Millinery.", "P.E. Smith." "Millinery & Fancy Goods", "Post Office" "News Depot", "Tillotson & Mott." "Shoes" "Dry Goods & Groceries"; harbor visible at the end of the street, two-masted ship docked with sailors behind row of trees, single-mast sailboat out on the water; Upper third of the painting depicts blue sky with white clouds throughout, American flag on flagpole extends up and flies to the left in the wind.
15.375 x 21.625 in. (unframed); 20.125 x 27.125 in. (framed)
Signed lower left corner, "Edwrd Lange. Artist. 1880 Elwood. Suffolk Co. N.Y."
Preservation Long Island purchase